"The road to Auschwitz was built by hate, but paved with indifference." IAN KERSHAW
The SHOAH Memorial Day (April 19)
"Remember that it is easy to save human lives. . . . In those times, one climbed to the summit of humanity by simply remaining human."
Elie Wiesel, THE COURAGE TO CARE (p. xi)
There is almost no one family in Gan Shmuel that has not lost dears and relatives during the holocaust. For their remembrance, the kibbutz has erected the Holocaust Memorial Site where the names of relatives are encrusted with black letters on the rocks.
The Opening Ceremony of Yom Hazikkaron LaShoah (the Shoah Memorial Day) at evening in kibbutz Gan Shmuel
(April 18, 2001)
The Yom HaZikkaron corner at the kibbutz Dining-Hall and the people visiting their Relatives Remembrance Rock at the Memorial Holocaust Site (April 19,2001)