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Gan Shmuel Calendar (2001-2002)
This page will present all important events that occur and happen in kibbutz Gan Shmuel. I will try to follow the text with pictures, images and photos, making the page as much as I can attractive.
For Your Pleasure and Joy
With Pesach 2002 I have accomplished a year around Gan Shmuel Calendar.
Hopefully, you enjoyed it
Click on the Event ( * indicates current event)
*Pesach -Passover March 27 - April 3
Mimona in Gan Shmuel April 14
Independence Day (Yom Ha'Atzmaut) 25-26 April
The Day of the First Harvest Yom (Hag-) HaBikkurim 28 May
Bar-Mitzva Feast 14 June
Sukkot - Hag Ha-Asif 1-9 October
Hanukkah 10-17 December
Tu-B'Shvat Celebrated in Gan Shmuel on 2 February
*Gan Shmuel 81st Anniversary 15 February 15 February